
Everyone belongs to a family. Whether you are single, married, married with kids, or empty nesters, family units are a part of our identity. And we believe that healthy, growing churches are made up of healthy families that love and serve God. This is why much of our discipleship ministries are organized with the family in mind. We want to partner with and equip families to know God and make an impact on their world for Christ.
Our goal is not to section out the family and minister to the individual life stages only, but to minister to the family unit. This not only brings together and strengthens each family, but also brings together and strengthens the church. Therefore, a ministry that targets children or youth is really targeting families with children and youth. Ministries geared towards adults take into consideration the various life stages represented so that we are strengthening marriages, emboldening singles, equipping parents, encouraging widows, etc.
Take a look at what's going on and how we endeavor to partner with and minister to families. If you have any questions or need more information, contact the office.